Please read these important terms and conditions before purchasing any access codes for digital games and/or content through our website.

1. Who We Are

1.2. Our Website lists various digital content, e.g., downloadable game titles and other downloadable content (“Content”). We sell on the Website official keys, issued by the publisher and/or the developer of the relevant Content (“Developer”), which allow the user to unlock, access, and download the Content from the Developer’s platform (“Code(s)”). We are not the Developer of the Content and do not own or operate the Developer’s platform. In addition to these Terms, you may also be subject to the Developer’s end user license agreement and other terms related to its Content and its platform.

2. How to Contact Us

2.1. You can contact us through the support and ‘contact us’ links on the Website ( or by logging into your User Account and submitting a support request or ticket. For any general inquiries, you may write to us at

2.2. If we need to contact you, we will use the email address you provided in your User Account settings.

3. About You

3.1. To purchase Codes from us through the Website, you need to have a valid user account for the Website (“User Account”), a valid payment method that we accept, and a mobile, computer, television, watch, or other supported device (“Device”) capable of accessing and downloading the Content. You must keep your User Account details secure and not share them with anyone else.

3.2. If the law in your country considers you a minor, you must have your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to purchase Codes from us and to enter into these Terms.

3.3. Some Content may be subject to age restrictions, and Codes for such Content will not be sold to individuals who have not reached the relevant age. You must comply with any age restrictions that apply to the purchase and use of Content. If you are a minor, you and your parent or legal guardian are responsible for ensuring the Content you purchase is age-appropriate.

4. Your Device and Data

4.1. Before placing an order, ensure that your Device meets the hardware and software requirements to access and download the Content. Check the ‘information’ button for your chosen Content for details on the minimum and recommended hardware and software requirements provided by the Developer.

4.2. You are responsible for any access or data fees from third parties (such as your internet provider and mobile carrier) related to your use of the Website, including purchasing Codes and downloading Content. Verify the file size of the Content to avoid exceeding your data limits and incurring additional charges.

5. Your Privacy and Personal Data

5.1. Any personal data you provide to us will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Notice, which details what personal data we collect, how we use it, and your rights regarding your personal data. Our Privacy Notice is available at

6. Our Contract with You

6.1. Applicable Terms: By purchasing any Codes through the Website, you enter into a contract with us for the supply of Codes to access and download Content from the Developer’s platform. You are legally bound by:

  • These Terms;
  • Our Terms of Use, governing your access and use of our Website;
  • Our Affiliation Program terms and conditions, if applicable;
  • Our [Credits/Rewards] terms and conditions, if applicable;
  • Any additional terms that may amend or replace parts of this contract. We will notify you of such changes 30 days in advance. You may terminate the contract by providing 30 days’ notice via email to if you do not agree with the additional terms.

6.2. Specific Terms for Content: We sell Codes to access and download Content but are not the Developer of the Content. You may need to visit the Developer’s platform to verify your Code and download the Content. You must also comply with the Developer’s end user license agreement and other terms related to its Content and platform. Check the relevant webpage for specific terms before purchase.

6.3. Language and Filing: We may offer these Terms in languages other than English. We do not file the details of this contract with any authority.

7. Key Information

7.1. Content Details: We only sell Codes for Content that you can download to your Device from the Developer’s platform. All Content displayed on the Website, for which we sell Codes, includes the main characteristics of the relevant product, such as the version or edition, which may not be the latest. Details about any base game title related to the Code and Content, as well as where to find the Developer’s end user license agreement, are provided. Images of Content on the Website are illustrative only and may not represent actual gameplay.

7.2. Customer Support: After purchasing a Code for specific Content, you can contact the customer services team at the Irish Company as described in section 3.1 for support queries.

7.3. Updates and Upgrades: We do not provide upgrades or updates to Content after purchasing Codes from us. We do not inform you of any upgrades or updates available from the Developer. Codes purchased from us only allow you to access and download Content and do not entitle you to updates, upgrades, new releases, or new versions of the Content unless provided by the Developer. Typically, additional payment is required for such updates or new releases.

8. Ordering from Us

8.1. Placing an Order: To place an order for a Code, log into your User Account, select your chosen game or digital content, choose any available editions or features, click the ‘Buy’ button, review your order summary, confirm your acceptance of these Terms, select your payment method, and click the ‘Pay’ button. Ensure your order is correct before submission. The order is not confirmed until you receive a Confirmation Email from us.

8.2. Order Acceptance: We reserve the right not to accept your order. We may contact you if we cannot accept your order due to reasons such as:

  • The Content or Code being unavailable.
  • Payment authorization issues.
  • Restrictions on selling the Code to you.
  • Mistakes in pricing or description.

8.3. Order Confirmation: If we accept your order, we will send you a Confirmation Email. A legally binding contract is formed, and we will start performing the contract.

8.4. Accessing Your Code: After receiving the Confirmation Email, you can access your Code in your User Account. The Confirmation Email does not include the Code itself; you must access it through your User Account. Details on how to use your Code to access your Content are provided in section 10.

8.5. Pre-orders: You may pre-order Codes for unreleased Content in the same way as described in section 9.1. After acceptance, we will send a Confirmation Email, and the Irish Company will process your payment. You will receive the Code only when the Content is released. You can cancel your pre-order by sending an email to before receiving notification that your Code is available. Refunds for pre-orders will be processed if the Codes are withdrawn or if the price changes before release.

8.6. Unusual Activity: We may refuse or cancel orders or close User Accounts if unusual activity is detected. Contact customer service if you believe an error has occurred.

9. Accessing Your Code and Content

9.1. Using Your Code: After placing your order and receiving the Confirmation Email, you can access your Code in your User Account, unless it is a pre-order. Use your Code to access and download the Content from the Developer’s platform. The Code is considered “used” once accepted and validated on the Developer’s platform.

9.2. Delays: We are not liable for delays outside our control affecting access to your Code or Content. We will inform you of delays and take steps to minimize their impact. If a substantial delay occurs, you may end the contract and receive a refund for Codes not yet received.

9.3. Account Issues on Developer’s Platform: We are not responsible for or liable to you if you are unable to use a Code or access Content due to being banned by the Developer from their platform. Refunds will not be issued in such cases.

10. Update to these Terms

10.1. We may amend these Terms from time to time. Please check these Terms each time you order Codes to ensure you agree with the Terms that apply at that time, as any such new Terms will apply to all subsequent purchases. Any changes to these Terms made after our acceptance of your order will not affect your order.

10.2. These Terms were last amended on 16/09/2024.

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